Sending thousands of veil all from ten denomination zerocoins, the wallet takes a long time, but also splits it into numerous split transactions. Not all of them arrived yet!

Firstly, to check how many of the split transactions have not yet been included in a block, check the information tab and look at the Memory Pool, Current number of transactions. These might not all be your own transactions, but in this case, most likely they will be.

It may take a while for a miner or staker to include all of the transactions in blocks. Therefore, the earlier ones will likely be confirmed by the recipient, such as an exchange, before some of them have received any confirmations at all.

A transaction that takes a long time to get its first confirmation might be a particularly large one, in terms of kilobytes, but in the case of spending zerocoins this will not be a problem, because of the maximum of twenty individual zerocoins allowed in one transaction, and that is the reason for splitting them up.

See also: Transaction stuck in memory pool