My wallet keeps minting ten denomination zerocoins and I would always want to decide myself when to mint and what size, if I mint at all.

The long established way to prevent accidentally autominting small zerocoins in the Veil wallet has been to set the autominting size to ten thousand. This is done in the GUI on the left hand side of the Minting page, but also, more reliably, in the veil.conf configuration file, like this: 


This has been sufficient for most people, particularly as we have only been able to stake using zerocoins.

However, many have called for a way to completely turn off autominting entirely. This was possible using the exchanges and services mode for exchanges and mining pools, but it was not really what ordinary staking wallets wanted.

A new option was released with the 1.0.4.x wallet, but there was no publicity about it, as there were other issues taking the attention at the time.


Put the above in your veil.conf file and you will always be able to manually mint your zerocoins when you like, without the wallet getting at them first!

See also: