To receive help for any specific problem you might have with the Veil wallet or anything provided directly by the project team, starting at the official Veil Project website, move the mouse pointer to SUPPORT and select SUPPORT PORTAL, which will provide a link to the the official support website, which this document is written on:

Registering —

If you do not yet have an account, click SIGNUP, provide your name and email address, and tick the "I'm not a robot" Captcha checkbox, and then click the REGISTER button.

At this point it registers you and brings you to the "Login to the support portal" page, where you are invited to login with your email address and password, BUT you don't have a password yet! You had better check for a confirmation email that might have been sent to the email address you just supplied!

If the email does not arrive —

For this test the email did not arrive, and was not in the spam folder. A Support Desk administrator needed to find the account in the Contacts section and send another activation email. That one arrived. The explanation for that, if that happens, is that some email systems have a spam protection mechanism where it will reject the first email that arrives from a particular address. Most email systems will send one or more retries, but spammers sending millions usually do not send multiple, if the recipient's system behaves as if the email address does not exist.

Getting less formal help or to join in with the Veil community on our DISCORD server —

You can find an invitation to the Veil Project's Discord server by scrolling down on the home page to PARTICIPATE & FOLLOW: One of the icons there, that looks like a rectangular speech bubble contains a link to the page at where we redirect to our Discord invitation. If, like just happened above, the email did not arrive, or if you just had a quick question, you could join our Discord and ask in our Support channel.

In case you want to join Discord quickly, here is an invitation link:

When the email has arrived —

It will give you a web address to follow, where you can activate your account and set a password.
NOW you can go ahead and raise a support ticket for your problem, by clicking New Support Ticket after lo!

When returning, please click Check Ticket Status to follow up the issue, rather than starting a new ticket.

If you have a new problem unrelated to the first, and the previous issue has already been addressed, please start a new ticket.

Reading replies from a Support Agent —

If you still have the same page open where you created the ticket, it might not have refreshed to show a reply.

You can click the Tickets list and then go back into the ticket, in order to see any new replies.

Closing the ticket —

You can mark this ticket as closed, by finding and clicking the circle icon with a tick in it.

If you hover over it, it says "Mark ticket as closed".

Getting help without creating a Support Desk ticket —

If you are reading this in its original location then you are reading in our knowledge base.
This is accessible from the sidebar menu with the icon of an open book.

Or simply join our Discord server, as above.