A pinned post (by Alex from Wooly Pooly pool) at the start of November 2020 advises other pool operators who want to add Veil to their pool to ask their questions in the Veil-Dev Discord server rather than in this mining channel, which is for miners, not really for the pool operators.
The DAG size for Veil ProgPoW is greater than 4GB, so please use GPUs with 6GB or more of RAM.
T-Rex https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/releases/
TT-Miner https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5025783.0
WildRig https://github.com/andru-kun/wildrig-multi/releases/
- WoolyPooly
BSOD - (no ProgPoW — checked 2021-09-01) https://bsod.pw/
Coinblockers - (no ProgPoW — checked 2021-09-01) https://veil.coinblockers.com/
1stMiningPool - (inaccessible — checked 2021-09-01) https://m.1stminingpool.com/
Coinmine - (no ProgPoW — checked 2021-09-01) https://www2.coinmine.pl/
Gos.cx - (no ProgPoW — checked 2021-09-01) https://gos.cx/
Zergpool - (no ProgPoW — checked 2021-09-01) https://zergpool.com/
At the time of writing (2021-09-01) there is no pool or software that has solved mining for Veil's SHA256D, or RandomX*, which are currently available only by mining within the Veil wallet. See: https://veil.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000467220-mining-guide
Stratum proxy for solo mining
TT-miner can already mine solo to your local full node. This Veil node stratum proxy enables mining solo with other software such as T-Rex. https://github.com/us77ipis/veil-node-stratum-proxy
Update regarding RandomX mining external to the standard Veil wallet
In June 2022 an xmrig-veil fork of xmrig made it possible to mine Veil with RandomX outside of the core Veil wallet, more effectively than with only the Veil wallet itself.
Proposal for reduction of the DAG size in Veil ProgPow mining
In July 2022 there is a pull-request, a proposal to reduce the DAG size as it is currently well on it's way to making it not possible to mine with highly available GPUs that have no more than 6 GB of RAM. Provided that this change is committed it will provide an opportunity to gain a mining community of former Ethereum miners.
WildRig are already okay with this. T-Rex and TT-miner are yet to confirm the possibility of a new version to handle the smaller DAG size. Those interested in this, please enquire with T-Rex and TT-miner.