The recent influx of new Veil users has necessitated adding a quick start tutorial guide on things to remember to do when you are first getting started with the Veil core wallet.

Most Veil users use a graphical wallet that loads the complete Veil blockchain. This is called a full node wallet, or the Qt wallet or simply veil-qt. Long time Bitcoin users are familiar with this wallet as its basic layout and features are similar to the Bitcoin Qt wallet. Old timers are also often familiar with using a command line interface, starting the wallet with bitcoind or veild and issuing commands with bitcoin-cli or veil-cli and adding commands that you can find by first using 

veil-cli help

Many text commands are also done in a Debug Console. See: 

Those wanting to use the Veil wallet without any graphical interface (GUI) may also like to read here:

Preparing a blockchain snapshot and configuration file

The Veil blockchain is large. Few people have the patience to synchronise entirely from block number zero, so there is an official snapshot that can be downloaded. The time saved is not so much the size of the downloaded data, as the time it takes to validate each and every block.

To download the snapshot file see: How to use a snapshot

To create a Veil configuration file (veil.conf) see: Where is my data directory? and How to find or edit my veil.conf configuration file

Commonly recommended settings for the veil.conf configuration file

You do not need any settings in the configuration file in order to use the Veil wallet, but at this stage in Veil's development many people like to prevent the wallet from minting very low value (denomination) zerocoins such as tens or hundreds. This can be done in the Qt (GUI) wallet on the left side of the "Zerocoin minting" page, but can more easily be set in the configuration file (veil.conf).


If you want only ever to manually mint zerocoins when you choose, then you may also add: 


If you want to use a command line terminal such as for running scripted commands, in addition to using the GUI wallet, then add: 


If you want to ensure that your wallet indexes all transactions for quick lookup, add: 


If you are using the command line interface (veild & veil-cli) and you do not want to type -daemon=1 every time, add: 


Please remember that if you want to generate a new wallet on the command line you will need to turn that off, which you may do by commenting the line out (adding a # to the beginning of a line makes it ignored) : 

# daemon=1

If you want your wallet to listen to incoming connections, in addition to setting your firewall or mapping the wallet's network port using uPnP (in Preferences, Network) you should set:


If you are controlling your wallet via Remote Procedure Commands via an SSH connection or such, then make sure that the wallet only accepts RPC commands originating in a session running directly on that machine (such as your SSH (Secure Shell) connection). Set: 


If you are a command line power user you may also be interested in this guide: Set up Veil command completion in Linux Terminal command line

Further information and community. See: 

How to get help with the Veil wallet or to get other information
(This also contains a link to our Discord community server:

We hope you enjoy using the Veil wallet. For basic information and specifications please read our main website: